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Prophecy 20 - Beware Of Horror Of New Boiling Black Blood Plague To Come

  • Prophecy 20

    Beware Of Horror Of New
    Boiling Black Blood Plague To Come!

    Pastor Apostle Sherrie Elijah
    May 25, 1998

    YAHUSHUA spoke to me as I speak unto you all now the same words. Nothing will he allow in our lives any more that will bring forth shame to what he has called us all to do and accomplish in His Name. YAHUSHUA himself will not only be the lamb but the Lion of Judah will rip that shameful thing or person right out of our lives to keep us holy and acceptable before Him. For how many ministries are falling for shame and sin and unequal yoking have entered in and so shall many more!

    I have not lost anything. You have not lost anything for we never had it to begin with. It was a lie of satan. If we are yoked to unbelievers and their name is not found in the Lamb's Book of Life and you have given your life to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and serve him and put him first and speak as His mouthpiece, be assured that the same God who you serve is a jealous God and He will not share us with satan in any way, shape or form. Daddy YAHUVEH himself will for your own good separate you from that which is not holy and acceptable before the RUACH ha KODESH!

    He will do this quickly now for Terrah you have stirred up the anointing within me through your prophecy and the wounds I have encountered has once again made me stronger as they will all of us. In our flesh we feel knocked down and stomped on and spat on, but we must continue to rise up in the name of YAHUSHUA and not our flesh arise but the Spirit within us, then it will be satan that is knocked down, stomped under our feet in the name of YAHUSHUA!

    Category : Prophecies

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