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Proof of Giants, Shapeshifters, Aliens, Alter Egos, Mermaids, Magicians, Newage, Werewolfs

  • Proof of Giants, Shapeshifters, Aliens, Alter Egos, Mermaids, Magicians, Newage, Werewolfs

    Category : Teachings

    1 Comments and 0 replies
  • Yahs Armored Saint
    Yahs Armored Saint A few years ago I saw an interview with an ex high level satanist who practiced vampirism with hollywood elites, he claimed to have knowledge that the werewolf transformation in a movie called "The Howling[1981]" was a live and true transformation. I've seen the clip half a dozen times on youtube, not sure what to think, I certainly find it interesting, however. And I'm well aware that the elites love to flaunt their secrets in plain sight in subtle ways. I'm sure someone might find this nugget interesting.To be forewarned is to be forearmed, Yahshua guide yuide you.