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My Testimony How YAH led me out of the world and to Amightywind Ministry

  • My Testimony How YAH led me out of the world and to Amightywind Ministry

    This testimony is all for the PRAISE, HONOUR & GLORY of ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH and our precious MOMMA WISDOM! HalleluYAH!

    (Sorry about the reverberation sound on the video)

    This is my testimony of how YAH led me from catholicm to seventh day adventism to being a christian keeping the "man made sabbath - sunday" to HIS Holy YAH-Ordained Amightywind Ministry.

    YAH is GOOD. And ALL things are possible through HIM. AMEN!

    Amightywind Ministry is Heaven sent for this end-times generation. Sent by YAH to teach HIS Children - HIS sheep and lambs - HIS Truth. Truth which has been diluted and twisted and perverted in these last days by satan who wants to take all souls with him to hell and the lake of fire for eternity.

    satan's children on youtube are doing his dirty work - twisting and diluting YAH's Truth and feeding it to the baby sheep and lambs who don't know better. For the sake of your souls please do not listen to these enemies lies!

    Study and show yourself approved. Test the spirit of Amightwind and you will see it is good. It is Truth. It is Holy.

    Kategoria : Testimonies

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