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Prophecy 96 - Year Of Jubilee YAHUVEH Says Cast Your Dead Weight Off

  • Prophecy 96
    Year Of Jubilee, YAHUVEH Says, Cast Your Dead Weight Off!

    Given to Prophet Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) on May 3, 2008

    "This is what I think of these credit card companies. This is what I think of these debt collectors. Hospitals who raise their prices so high that even when a person lives, because of the crushing debt each day they die.

    Leeches! Vultures! Vampires, these financial institutions are. Mortgage companies shall come down! They shall lay in ruins for foreclosing on homes without any mercy. MY Wrath they shall feel and they themselves shall be homeless! For they shall reap what they have sown.

    I love you MY son. Oh please listen this day. It was no accident I sent this Prophet this way. I do not give this Ringmaiden a Word for everyone. For she would not have the physical strength to do so, but because you asked for nothing, I bless you this day. You asked to see MY face. Instead I give you forth this Word for you cannot look on the face of YAHUVEH and live but you can look upon the face that is MY Son. Ask to see the face of YAHUSHUA. One day and it is not afar off, you will behold MY face, and your rewards shall follow you to Heaven."

    Kategorie : Prophecies

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